Saturday, October 27, 2012

SRI Trouble's Head Shaving Day

This is Karuna's son Vishu, or SRI Trouble as I like to call him. He is such a little imp. He is sweet and loving but don't turn your back as your walls may have a new art instillation or your favorite cooking pot may just have gone flying out the front door! Yesterday was his 2nd birthday and today his head will be shaved to mark the end of his time as a baby. It is both a time of both sadness and joy. The innocence of a loving and protected childhood is being left behind and Vishnu will now have to start to make his way in the world.

The ceremony was held at Karauna's great grandfathers temple out in the country in the forest in back of a rice field.. The extended family was there and I was given the honor of shaving the first bit of Vishnu's head. It was a magical and loving day.

1 comment:

Amala said...

Amazing look on his face...