Wednesday, October 24, 2012

MY bollywood close up

Karuna, Pryankia, Nevada and Helga walked up the side of the holy mountain to go a Papagi's cave. It takes about 45 min to walk up. It was HOT and the brush had no been cleared as the local government has made it illegal to be back there. We didn't listen. It was like hiking trough a dense jungle. You could not see the path for the overgrown lemon grass. There are two pools of water at the cave, I soaked my feet as well as my head. After we decided to do bollwood number,


Evelyne said...

Dear Paul,
Thank you for sharing your experiences on this wonderful trip. You look so happy in this picture! I miss your warmth, your intelligence, your wit.
I'm happy for you, and a little jealous, too
Hugs & kisses

twpnyc said...

You do look relaxed and definitely de-stressed:)

Amala said...

Just adore this photo! Love you all so much!