There has been Ganesh's birthday, a 8 day goddess festival, a heat wave, monsoons, 15 hour power cuts, a series of fire fire ant bites in very delicate areas, a baby with a shaved head, drinking beer with with a german hippy and devi opening a new restaurant, hikes up the mountain and bathing in rain water and of course quiet time in the ashram. Not bad at all. I have really let go of the difficulties of the past and look forward to going home to start my new life. Lets see if the peace lasts.
Of course I am flying home into a possible hurricane. My first test of my new inner peace. Please pray to whom ever and hope I get home in one peace. Life is now an adventure. I may be delayed in Dubai for at least a day while the storm passes, more if air traffic is backed up. Instead of fretting, i am looking forward to the adventure. who knows, I may be kidnapped by Bedouins in Dubai and live a life on camel back under the stars. Hey we never know what life will bring so best to enjoy what comes along and just accept the rest. What to do?
OM, my dear ones
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti
Of course I am flying home into a possible hurricane. My first test of my new inner peace. Please pray to whom ever and hope I get home in one peace. Life is now an adventure. I may be delayed in Dubai for at least a day while the storm passes, more if air traffic is backed up. Instead of fretting, i am looking forward to the adventure. who knows, I may be kidnapped by Bedouins in Dubai and live a life on camel back under the stars. Hey we never know what life will bring so best to enjoy what comes along and just accept the rest. What to do?
OM, my dear ones
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti
1 comment:
What Grace my beloved friend! I love how you are hoping to arrive in "one peace." Much love, and have a safe and happy adventure back. Can't wait to see you. I love you.
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