Saturday, September 8, 2012

Just a little perspective.

To put matters into perspective, this is the house directly across the street for Karuna. It has no plumbing or running water. Defiantly no A/C or washing machine but they most probably have electricity. Imagine sleeping on the floor in this house when it is 120 degrees outside with about 5 other family members.  This is what it is like to be poor is south India. Karuna is living in a place.
I have to run now. Nan is having me over to lunch so I can meet her friend Tom. I asked Karuna if he knew him and his exact words were "I no like" Oh well, should be interesting.


twpnyc said...

So is he a boyfriend or a girlfriend?

Amala said...

This family is not poor. They have a house!

StatisticsCount said...

I hope Nan is well and happy.

Embarrassing memory: (embarrassing to me and C, not Nan) Nan invited us to lunch. It was so lovely, we stayed over 24 hours. Such a happy memory, though I'm not proud of my manners ;-)

Unknown said...

I hope all is well with Nan. Missed her when she was here. Say Hi!