Monday, September 10, 2012

Devi's roof top

This is the roof of karuna's house. Devi is going to make a space for a lunch restaurant that will serve authentic south Indian Tallis to western visitors. Devi will do the cooking and hire a few women to help her out. Devi's food is AMAZING. It is clean and fresh and better than any Indian food you can find any where. Construction begins today on a "Cheddai" roof. These are made out of woven palm fronds supported by bamboo poles lashed together by very rough jute rope. These structures are amazing. They are built entirely by hand, are incredibly sturdy and no nails or cement is used at all. As soon as it is up I will post a pic


Amala said...

Can't wait to eat there!

Michael said...

This house is amazing! Can't wait to read the Zagat review!

StatisticsCount said...

How wonderful! Now I *must* return.

Unknown said...

Are they gonna start renting rooms too? I'm in!