Saturday, September 22, 2012

Buttermilk swami vs the Fire ants

Well, it seems as if I had a few fire ants living under neat my bed sheets. The blessed me with bights all over my body, (even in my delicate places). They leave huge red welts with a bleeding open sore in the middle. After a few days the skin around the bite drys up, turns into parchment paper and then peels off. One blessed me with a bite on the right eye lid which blew up with an allergic reaction. Pretty huh? It went away by itself after a few days. no matter what: I LOVE INDIA. bugs and all. click on the pic to get the full effect


svg/nyc said...

Oh myyyyy! I hope all heal quickly. XO

Michael said...

YIKES!! Not nice but hopefully not too uncomfortable and very temporary!!